What is Soft Drink Production?

Soft drinks are referred to as non-alcoholic drinks. They are prepared with water or any other flavored liquid. Soft drinks do not contain any alcohol, and they usually have a small amount of caffeine in them. Soft drinks are made of various sweeteners, water, flavorings, and caffeine. The most commonly used sweeteners are High fructose […]

How profitable is a soft drink business?

The profit margin on cola beverages is very large. Bottled water, juice, sports drinks and energy drinks tend to be the best-selling products among mid-size companies. But the profit margins are very low on these products.  So if you want to go for a safe bet, soft drink is the best option. The soft drink […]

How do I start a Soft Drink Business?

Soda is a trendy soft drink around the world. Therefore, the soda water market has great potential for exploitation. It’s a multi-million dollar industry with a variety of flavors and tastes. The cost of investment for this business is also low. It’s an easy business to start and an easy business to manage. You can […]

Is Juice Industry profitable?

The “juice” industry is the common term used to refer to beverage industry, which is considered to have huge potential. For instance, today, there are thousands of juice bars, juice shops, juice manufacturing, bottling and marketing companies. Juice has always been in market. Yes, it is now a booming business, however, it may not necessarily […]

How do you manufacture Fruit Juice?

Fruit juice processing is the process of converting fruit into canned juice with a long shelf life, without losing the original taste of the fruit. For all the fruit based beverages, the first stage is the extraction of juice or pulp from the fruit. The following are the key manufacturing stages: Selection and preparation of raw material […]

How do I start a juice manufacturing company?

A juice manufacturing company requires initial investment, but there are many ways to start a juice manufacturing business. Juice is a very popular segment of the beverage industry, and consequently a valuable segment of the Indian economy. Actually, right now is an especially good time to open a juice manufacturing company. New technologies, new product […]

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